Try Chapterly free for 14 days.
Then, for a limited time take 40% off and pay as low as $9.99/month.
Here’s what you get.
Authoring Tools
Write wherever, whenever, with a cloud-based word processor that syncs across all your devices and saves instantly.
Organize Your Book
Create outlines, plot chapters, save your research and write your book all in one place. No more flipping between programs!
Take Notes
Don’t let anything slow you down. Add notes to your manuscript, research, or outlines and review them in your own time.
Track Locations & Characters
Build your world and keep track of its inhabitants with character and location templates in your content library.
Smash Goals
Set targets and Chapterly will keep track of your progress. Build wins into your writing to keep you on course.
Follow tried-and-tested methods of plotting with smart outlining tools that guide your story to a nail-biting climax.
Never get stuck again. Generate titles and characters, or even finish that paragraph with a little help from an AI friend.
Real-Time Collaboration
Smart syncing means you and your editor can work together to make changes to your book and see updates in real-time.
Comments & Suggestions
Share your work with friends and they can leave comments and suggestions right on the page. You can even chat in real-time.
Unlimited Collaborators
Add as many collaborators as you like to help bring your story to life — editors and readers are welcome to take a look.
Professional Book Templates
Leave typesetting to the experts. Select from a range of templates and Chapterly will do the formatting for you.
Print Ready & Digital Ready
Download print and digital files of your book in pdf, mobi, and epub formats. All you have to do is press Publish.
Royalty-Free Images
Browse a library of thousands of royalty-free stock images, perfect for designing your cover or illustrating your content.
Unlimited Covers
Ebooks, paperbacks, hardcovers, special editions… create all the covers you need and design them however you like.
Revision History
However many changes you make, your complete revision history will always be available, so nothing is ever lost.
Visual Boards
Free your imagination with intuitive, drag-and-drop visual boards, perfect for researching and outlining your book.
Spelling & Grammar
Catch mistakes and speed up editing with a built-in smart spelling and grammar checker that spots the typos you miss.
Customizable Typesetting
Make your book unique with customizable typesetting templates. Set the line spacing, drop caps, justification, and more.
Unlimited Exports
Update your book in a moment, create new formats, and replace missing files with unlimited exports at no extra cost.
What devices is the Chapterly app compatible with?
Chapterly is available for Windows and Mac computers, and Android and iOS mobile devices. Download Chapterly to your desktop, laptop, tablet, and phone, and sync your projects across all your devices. Wherever you are when inspiration strikes, Chapterly is always available.
Can AI write my whole book?
While Chap is technically capapable, we wouldn't allow it. Storytelling is for humans, and we want to keep it that way.
Who owns the copyright to my book?
You do! At Chapterly we give you the tools to write whatever you want, without claiming ownership of your words. Your ideas are safe with us, because we’ll never try to take them away.
What if accidentally delete my book?
Everything you type into the Chapterly app is automatically synced with our cloud storage and backed up safely, so even when you delete something, it isn’t completely lost. You can review all of your document edits in the app so it’s fast and easy to recover your writing.
Can I import a story I’ve already written?
You can add anything you want to your Chapterly app. Start writing a book from scratch, or import a story you’ve been working on for years. There are no limits, so make new projects for all your ideas.
How many books can I write?
Chapterly is unlimited, meaning you can add as many books as you want for the same low subscription price. Go ahead, start writing a whole series!
Do you have any other charges or hidden fees?
Nope. With Chapterly, what you see is what you get. All of our features are available for one simple, affordable payment. We do offer personalized editing and cover design services, but they are separate from our app and courses.
What if I’m not satisfied?
We’re so sure you’ll love Chapterly, but in the event that you don't, we make it very easy to cancel at any time.
Got Questions?
Our support team are publishing experts, and they're happy to answer all of your questions. Whether you need technical guidance with our app or want to learn more about the writing and publishing process, we're always happy to hear from you. Get in touch and let us know how we can help.
© 2021 Chapterly. All rights reserved.
Terms & Conditions
Built in Austin, TX
© 2021 Chapterly. All rights reserved.
Terms & Conditions
Built in Austin, TX